Counting the Nine Days, also known as the Winter Nine Days, is a method used by the Chinese people to calculate the dates of cold days and spring flowers. Generally, the coldest days are during the "Third Nine Days and Fourth Nine Days", which are the coldest periods of the year. When nine "Nine Days" (ninety-nine eighty-one days) are counted, spring is deep and warm, and all things are full of vitality. It is time for spring ploughing.
The method of counting the nine days has been passed down orally among the Chinese people. It has a history but lacks records. As for when it originated, there is no exact information. In traditional culture, nine is the extreme number, the number of "extreme yang", and the largest number. The accumulation of "extreme yang number" means that the yin energy is gradually decreasing. When it accumulates to nine times, it has reached the end, which means that the cold is gone and the warmth is coming, and "spring is deep".